This episode is the first of many, where we have a conversation with a wildlife volunteer about their journey in this role, wherever those threads take us. In this episode, I’m joined by Denise Morgan, a wildlife volunteer on the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales. Denise shares a window into her life with us – from the moments that introduced her to wildlife volunteering, her fascination with flying foxes which led her to visit Zambia, to the joy she experiences being in her aviary at home, with rehabilitating microbats.

About Suzy
There is a song I like which has the line ‘Did I start this or did this start me’? This fittingly describes my more than two decades journey as a volunteer wildlife carer. For me, caring for wildlife is a fundamental form of connection with nature, providing opportunities for stillness in the frantic spinning of the human world. It’s a multitude of ‘moments that give’ and ‘moments that take’. Moments we may sometimes find it hard to express or share, let alone process. Starting Two Green Threads was my way of encouraging reflections and conversations, and enabling the building of a language which honours the volunteer service of so many to our wildlife.
We are humans, we respond to voices, and this podcast is a chance to pull at threads which collectively join together to build a fabric of connectivity and community.

With grateful acknowledgment to the following supporters for enabling this Podcast to occur.

This is part of the Wildlife Heroes Caring for Carers Campaign
supported by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife and the Australian Government.

Thanks also to our Supportive Partners, The International Fund for Animal Welfare
“Too frequently we tell stories of failure and we forget to honour the fact that we tried, the fact we had purpose, the fact we cared.”
– Julia Baird

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